Sales Recruiters Share How to Hire the Best

by | Dec 20, 2023 | General, Hiring Strategies, Sales Recruiting

Sales recruiters hire the best because they know how to spot the IT factor.

You’ve noticed IT haven’t you? Maybe it happened when you are watching a movie and you saw an unknown actor shine past a mediocre script or bit part.

Or perhaps it was a sports event where you witnessed sheer greatness on the field.

You see it and know, that person has IT. The fundamental quality that sets them apart and signals greatness to everyone who watches them act, play, perform, or work.

Sales recruiters have the same ability to spot talented candidates. It’s not as mysterious as it sounds. Keep reading to discover our talent acquisition tips and recruiting strategies so you can find sales professionals who have IT.

How Sales Recruiters Find Rock Stars

You want to hire the best of the best – the Michael Jordan or Meryl Streep of sales.


So how do you do that?

Simple. You vigorously screen for it. You deliberately look for specific markers and traits using a strategic methodology that separates the average candidate from extraordinary talent. Certain mindset and behavioral traits are common in high performing sales team members.

1. Know what you are really looking for      

When recruiters evaluate sales candidates, they are looking for: 

  • Empathy and problem-solving skills
  • A talent for communicating in a way that captivates
  • The ability to listen with genuine interest and rapt attention
  • Sales rock stars are focused on retaining customers as much as they are finding new ones
  • An ability to follow proven systems

Top performers also know the lifetime value of an established customer is only as good as the front-line interactions they promote. Each sales person has to continuously nurture and build upon existing relationships to grow your company.

Weave those qualities into your job description.

That way your potential candidates know your expectations when they read the job posting.

2. Remember all sales occur on a human level

Selling is more than being able to rattle off the spiffy features and benefits of a product or service. It really comes down to an ability to intuit the underlying needs of your customers and clients.

It comes down to a drive to understand real-world issues and challenges at a deep level. That means that empathy is one of the first high-value traits that you need to look for during your hiring process.

3. Update your hiring strategies and screen for greatness

To find real potential, do not rely on a resume, cover letter, and a few interview questions.

Test out candidates to see if they are up for the challenge.

Use behavioral testing alongside role playing to understand how your sales talent will handle real-life situations.

You can also set up scenarios drawn from events that you or your sales team previously encountered. Relate the problem and ask them how they would have responded and why. You want to see how they think and approach a challenge.

Use the interview process to deep dive into job seekers’ experiences

Another is to directly ask the candidate about specific times in the past when they solved a problem. They should be able to identify what the issue was and explain how their solution not only made the sale, but truly solved the customer’s problem.

Sales Recruiters Pro Tip: Great Interviews Aren’t the “It” Factor

Just because a sales candidate has a persuasive interview does not mean they are locked and loaded for success. They could be selling you and lack the skills and experience you need for the position.

How do you know if you’re getting sold? We have 2 resources that guide you past pitfalls and keep hiring on track:

Our Sales Recruiting Services Find You Salespeople With The IT Factor

You want to hire talent with IT – but that is a time-consuming process. You could lose over 40 days trying to fill your job opening. Streamline the process and have our team find working and winning sales talent for you.

When you work with us, our talent acquisition experts source and screen passive candidates on your behalf. You only review top talent, salespeople who have the IT factor.

To get started, reach out to us or call 833-698-1135.