Scorecard to Grade Potential Recruiting Services Partners

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Hiring Strategies, Sales Recruiting, Talent Sourcing

Turning the hiring process over to a third party comes with risk. You do not want to invest in recruiting services and settle for the best candidate in a lacklustre bunch, or not hire at all and leave a critical seat unfilled.  

To remove the risk of selecting the wrong firm, assign potential partners a score for each of these categories:  

  • Ease of working together 
  • Efficiency 
  • Communication and engaging applicants  
  • Candidate evaluation criteria  
  • Organizational structure 
  • Specializations 
  • Past successes  

Use a simple 1 to 5 grading system, where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best. The recruiting and talent acquisition firm with the highest score at the end has the least risk for you.  

To help you accurately fill out your scorecard, each point is explained in detail below. 

Scorecard to Grade Potential Recruiting Partners  

Ease of working together  

“Ease” depends on the role you want to play. If you want an active role in reviewing each candidate, use a contingent recruiter. They only find potential employees. You review resumes and conduct interviews.  

However, if you want your recruiter to source talent, conduct interviews and only provide the top choices, seek out a retained recruiter or a talent acquisition partner like ProActivate.  


Time to hire is a notoriously difficult metric to wrangle into meaningful data. Consider it in the context of their overall process for working with you before, during and after the hire.  

Processes before, during and after the job search 

Look online for an explanation of how the firm works with clients at each stage of the hiring process.  

For example, here’s what we do at ProActivate: 

Before: Instead of asking for a job description, we meet with clients to discuss the position, company culture and their idea of a model employee. We turn the information into their Ideal Candidate Profile which talent managers use to source passive candidates.  

During: Talent managers use the Ideal Candidate Profile to source passive candidates. Applicants undergo in-depth evaluations and only top contenders are sent to clients for review.  

After: 95% of the time, we deliver candidates who are a perfect fit on the first try. However, if a client is unhappy with their options, we immediately restart the process.  

Communication and engaging applicants 

65% of job seekers do not get status updates according to data compiled by Lever. Lack of communication forms a lasting, negative impression of your brand. 80% of candidates will not apply to future positions at a company that did not provide application status updates.  

Applicants will not differentiate between you and a recruiter. Ask partners how they keep candidates warm.  

Candidate evaluation criteria 

Do not outsource hiring to a glorified resume reader. Artificial intelligence can scan resumes and send you matches based on relevant words or phrases. Expect more from your talent acquisition partner. Find a firm that invests in getting to know your candidates.  

Our talent acquisition managers spend 90 minutes with each candidate and evaluate:  

  • Skillset  
  • Mindset 
  • Cultural fit 

Organizational structure  

How a recruiting company or talent acquisition firm structures their company impacts the volume of candidates you are expected to review.  

It is in the interest of a contingent recruiter to deliver as many candidates as possible because they are only paid if you hire someone. Retained recruiters are paid upfront and you review pre-vetted candidates.  

Is ProActivate a contingent or retained recruiter?  

Neither – we created a hybrid recruiting model that combines the affordability of contingent recruiting with the dedicated resources provided under the retained model. Call us to learn more about our approach. 


Niche requirements are best addressed by specialists. Their past experiences finding professionals to fill a role similar to yours decreases the likelihood you end up settling for someone who is “good enough” and instead, extend an offer to your ideal employee.  

Specialists still have a wide range of experiences.  

Deep experience in a certain industry doesn’t prevent a recruiter from working to fill other roles. We are experienced at finding sales and marketing talent. But that isn’t all we do. 

Past successes  

Check your potential partners’ websites for testimonials.  

Google reviews are another resource. Look for responses from clients that illustrate their experience working with the recruiter. 

ProActivate is a great team to work with. They find the right talent for my clients even in these difficult times. Their cost is so much better than normal recruiters it is almost too good to be true. If you are looking to hire sales talent you just have to use them. 

– John Lee, Google Review 

Bonus Scorecard Category: Rapport  

It is possible you could gather all the information you need to grade partners using online resources. That is useful because it shows you which firms you want to set up discovery calls with. During the meeting, gather missing information and make notes about how you feel and the overall energy you pick up on. 

Why rapport with your talent acquisition partner matters. 

Healthy communication and a strong understanding of your organization’s culture and structure improve your partner’s ability to deliver high-quality candidates. If you are serious about removing risk, the discovery call is a critical final step before selecting who you will trust to fill your open position.  

Ready to hear how we would work with you? 

Schedule Your Discovery Call Today